Amanda Hannaford is an experienced osteopath who works exclusively with breast cancer patients. She assists breast surgeons and radiation oncologists in managing the symptoms and side effects their patients experience as part of the cancer treatment process.

Amanda uses gentle, hands-on techniques to encourage tight and restricted tissue to become pliable once more. This is particularly the case with the scar tissue, fibrosis, adhesions and tissue texture changes which can arise after surgery and radiation therapy. In other words the lumps, bumps, ridges and swelling which remain inside and around the breast after treatment. In fact these can respond readily to gentle osteopathic care.

Patients commonly also experience restricted shoulder movement, numbness and cording as a result of breast surgery, radiotherapy and/or the removal of lymph nodes. Other issues experienced include lumpy and hardened breast tissue, the rippling of implants and painful thickened scar tissue. Amanda is also a qualified lymphoedema practitioner and can help patients to prevent or manage their lymphoedema in their breast cancer recovery.

Amanda has a special interest in working with post-lumpectomy scar tissue in the breast, no matter how long ago the surgery occurred. She can have a significant impact on patient recovery after DIEP/TUG surgery, particularly in resolving tight scar tissue at the donor site.

Amanda is very experienced at helping to resolve these issues for her patients. Nurturing and compassionate care not only helps women to heal physically, but also to feel more positive about their body moving forward after this challenging time.