Amanda graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Human Biosciences in 2000 and a Masters Degree in Osteopathy in 2002. She has been in private practice in the Sydneys North Shore for 23 years. She is registered with APRHA and a member of Osteopathy Australia. She achieved a graduate diploma in Applied Acupuncture in 2004. She was a university lecturer for senior students in the Osteopathy program for 5 years, as well as a Registration Board Examiner. In 2014, Amanda founded Restore Health & Wellness in St Leonards, a renowned multidisciplinary health clinic. She is also a lymphoedema practitioner for breast cancer patients having trained through the renowned ALERT program at MQ Health.
Although Amanda has built a reputation for caring for patients with all manner of tissue restriction and pain, she began to develop her skills in assisting breast cancer patients in the management of her sisters side effects during her treatment from 2001- 2010. In 2019, following her own breast cancer journey, Amanda became aware that there was a widespread need for experience in managing induration, scars and capsular contraction in the care of these patients.
Amanda then proceeded to apply a new approach to the treatment of soft tissue trauma in other breast cancer patients. For the success of this work she was a finalist in the Australian Osteopath of the Year awards in 2022. She is now referred breast cancer patients from across Sydney by Breast surgeons, Radiation and Medical Oncologists and Breast Care Nurses.
Amanda is a member of the team at Northern Beaches Breast Clinic where she works alongside the Breast Surgeons, Breast Physicians, and Lymphoedema physiotherapists. She also practices at the Kay Van Norton Centre for Wellbeing at the Mater Hospital, who offer a wide range of support services for breast cancer patients in their recovery.
In 2021 Amanda developed a CPD training program for osteopaths and other health practitioners in the care of soft tissue trauma in breast cancer patients. She teaches and lectures regularly on the care of breast cancer patients throughout Australia, New Zealand and the UK.
As an allied health practitioner, no formal referral is required to see Amanda. Her care can be subsidised on private health extras cover, or as part of a CDM (EPC) plan from your GP.
Amanda has a particular interest in caring for:
Scars, fibrous tissue, and adhesions (acute or chronic)
Post local wide excision seroma and induration
Cording and axilla (armpit) stiffness
Capsular contraction
Chemotherapy gut side effects (nausea)
Post DIEP or TRAM abdominal (donor site) recovery
If you have any questions as to whether Amanda can help you or your patient, please do not hesitate to contact her at